Thursday, June 9, 2011

Sunday, June 5, 2011

A Love For Books

Hailey has developed a love for books at a very young age. Typically she would grab a book and then come and sit on my lap and want me to read it to her. The last couple of days she has started to read them by herself. Today, I set her in the glider in her bedroom with some books-- she sat there for 10 minutes and "read" her books. It melts my heart!!

Sunday, May 1, 2011


Grandpa Dan had some twigs to burn so we had a campfire! Hailey enjoyed watching the fire saying "hot" when she got close.

Daddy and Hailey went for a walk on the trail.

A visit to MN!!

We took our annual Spring trip to MN over the Easter weekend. Daddy decided that he wanted to drive (crazy!) so he convinced his friend Joel to go with him and then Joel flew back to Orlando. Jason has always wanted to take the BMW on the crazy mountain roads. I do not enjoy car rides so I was more than happy to let Jason and Joel-- Live there Dream!! Hailey and I flew there a few days after Jason left Florida. We had a BLAST in MN-- the weather was not the warmest but being with family is the greatest!!

Hailey loved climbing up and down the stairs!

Family Easter Picture

"Who's here?" Everytime the chimes would ring, Hailey would walk to the door to see if someone was there.

All the Great Grandkids (except Collin) with Nana and Papa.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

18 month stats~

Weight: 22.4 lbs (25th percentile)
Length: 33 inches (80th percentile)
Head: 46.2cm (98th percentile)

Hailey is talking more each and everyday. She loves to dance and clap to music. She recites some of the ABC's (typically A-D). She loves to play with her babies and will go "shhh" with her finger over her mouth if the baby is sleeping. She takes one nap per day for about 2 hours. She sleeps from 7:30 pm until 6:30 am on a typical night. She still is a picky eater but is more willing to try new things than she used to be.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Bath Time Fun!

"I don't want to get out yet"

"This is so fun!"

Daddy swishes me around in the tub to make waves!

A Love for Babies

Giving her baby some muffin or maybe talking to her.

So precious! It seemed to happen overnight- Hailey developed a LOVE for babies! She has 4 babies, a blanket and a stroller. It is so cute to watch her wrap (cover) her babies up or when she puts one of the babies in the stroller and then "tucks" her in. She will give her babies kisses and love(hugs). Typically she is not allowed to have her babies with her when she eats but it was early in the morning and I thought it was cute.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

17 months~

It is hard to believe that Hailey blessed our lives 17 months ago! It seems the time has gone so fast. For so long, I could not wait for her to meet her next milestone (rolling over, crawling, sitting up, walking), now I am just wishing she would not grow up so fast! It seems like the last few weeks she has really "blossomed" into a big girl. Some facts about Hailey: - she can say: mama, dada, re (Red), mo (more), na na (no no), uh (up), milk, ju (juice), da (done) - she understands when we are talking to her (if I ask her to go and get her shoes- she finds them and brings back a matching pair, goes and gets her baby when asked) -gives great "high fives" -has 9 teeth (4 top teeth, 2 top molars, 3 bottom teeth) -sleeps from 6:45 to 6:45 -naps from 12:00 to 1:30 (or 2:00 on a good day) -loves fruit (especially bananas, grapes and strawberries) -has become a picky eater- sometimes she will just look at her dinner and decides she does not want to eat it. -likes to dip chicken nuggets and hot dogs in ketchup -attempts to use a spoon and fork -loves to lay on Red's dog bed (not sure why) -loves carrying around her baby -LOVES her pink little tikes car. She will get in the car, sit there for a while, get out of the car, then get back in the car. Whenever she walks through the garage, she ALWAYS stops at her car! -Enjoys going to the park and going down the slides -Goes to Kindercare and loves her teachers (Ms. Trish and Ms. Bobbie) **On a different note, Hailey had her first "accident". She was playing outside at daycare and twisted her ankle on the playground. Ms. Trish comforted Hailey and put ice on it right away. After a few minutes they tried to see if she would put any weight on it-- nope! So, they called Jason and he came and got her and took her to the ER on base. They did x-rays and they came back with no break but a sprained right ankle. She has to wear an ace bandage for 2-3 days and she goes in for a re-check Friday. Tonight she was really tired and cranky but she was walking on her foot just fine. The good thing is babies bones/muscles heal quickly. She will be back to her old self running around in no time! Stay tuned for a current picture!! Jason took the camera with him over the weekend and left it in Tony's backpack : (

Friday, January 28, 2011

New Chapter..

Well, today began a new chapter in the world of Hailey..
Some background first...
She has been going to go a home daycare where it was just her with Diann. It was the best spot for Hailey to spend her first year while mommy and daddy worked. Since Hailey has become mobile and into everything, it was getting to be to much for Diann to watch her. Diann loves Hailey to pieces and Hailey loves her so much that it was a very hard decision but we decided to make a change. After discussing our options and touring many different centers, we decided to put her into a learning center.
Today was her first day at KinderCare and she had a blast. She drew a picture with markers, had circle time where Mrs. Tricia read a story and sang songs with them. She took a nap on a cot (for the first time) and met some new friends. Hailey also got her first accident report. Another child scratched her on the cheek during snack. (Nothing major and they called Jason on his cell and left a message).
As much as I wish I could stay home with her everyday, I know she is ready for new endeavors and experiences!!!

Big Girl Cup..

Hailey has been practicing drinking out of a big girl cup. We practice in the tub because she is still learning and it's much less messy!! Last night as she was getting her bath, she decided to use the bucket we use to pour water over her head with as her cup.

Beach with Papa and Nana

Nana and Papa Nelson (Hailey's Great Grandparents) came to visit us in Florida last week. They had the privilege of taking care of her for 3 days while they were here. They spoiled us all rotten while they were here, we are so fortunate to have such great family. We took advantage of one the warm days to take then down to the beach. It was low tide so we have lots of room to play in the sand.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

15 month stats~

Hailey is off and running.. We have been waiting and waiting for her to walk and now that she is very mobile, we are wishing she would SLOW down.. This is such a fun age, she is talking to us (mostly babble), enjoys playing with her toys, points to things around the house, stacks 2-3 blocks and has the best temperment!! She is such a happy girl, we are so blessed!
She still sleeps about 12 hours at night, usually 7:00 to 7:00, takes 1 nap in the afternoon for about 1 1/2 -2 hours. Eats all table food and typically anything you give her. She is in the beginning stages of feeding herself. She is interested in using the spoon but not quite sure how to get the food ON the spoon, THEN into her mouth. It is pretty much used for "stirring" her food now.
She wears 18 month tops and 12 month pants. The 18 month pants fit in the waist but the legs are WAY to long.. I wish they made 18 pants in SHORT length.
She enjoys coloring with crayons (or hitting the crayon to make dots on the paper). She also enjoys playing with anything that has buttons. She has a "mild" obsession with buttons. When we were at the doctors office for her visit, she was constanting pressing the buttons on the thermometer that was hanging on the wall. The doctor said she has extremely good fine motor skills for her age.. Must be all the button pushing!

Her stats:
Weight- 21.5 pounds (18th percentile)
Lenght- 29 inches (11th percentile)
Head- 18 inches (50th percentile)

Monday, January 3, 2011

Where has the time gone??

I cannot believe it has been more than 2 months since I last posted pictures.. Where has the time gone?? My apologies!!
Here are a few to sum it up!
She's got that tired look.. It must be from eating all that turkey, stuffing and mashed potatoes!!

Christmas Party at VS-31. The fire truck even came for us to look at.
Sitting on Santa's lap!

Molly and Hailey playing together.

Rather than opening her Christmas present, she will sit on it and push the buttons on the phone.

Playing in the pantry at Grandpa and Grandma Nelson's house.