Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween!

Our little Bumblebee!! We had a Halloween Party at Mary and Bobby's the day of her birthday.
Then on Halloween night, we went to Ray and Amanda's house to take Hailey trick or treating.

Isn't she the cutest bumblebee around??

Happy 1st Birthday!!

Sunday, October 31st from 12:00 t0 3:00
We had such a beauitful day for Hailey's party! Lots of friends and family helped us celebrate her birthday. We all had yummy BBQ from Sonny's. Then the kids played some games, we opened presents and then Hailey got to enjoy her 1st birthday cake!

Mylee read all of Hailey's cards for everyone to hear. She also helped her open her presents. Mylee and Hailey love to play together!

Hailey getting a ride in her little tikes car that has been turned into a BMW car. Thanks Daddy!!

Hailey opening a present from Doug and Gina Riley!

Opening presents! Hailey got lots of educational toys, good books and cute clothes!

Hailey's ladybug cake. Her smash cake was the little red cake!

Crying as we sang "Happy Birthday" because she wanted the cake!

Giving mommy some yummy cake!

Hailey may have eaten her weight in cake today! She was loving every bite!!

Check out the video!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Birthday Weekend

Hailey had a fun-filled birthday weekend.. She was so excited to open presents from "Aunt Molly" that she was pounding on the box!
We then opened presents from Grandpa Dan and Grandma Debbie! Hailey got a new book to read and lots of cute clothes!!

After Hailey's morning nap, we went to the pumpkin patch to pick out our pumpkins. It was a little warm that day but we still had fun!

Daddy and Hailey trying to find the perfect pumpkin for carving!

Sunday we took Hailey to the zoo for the first time. She enjoyed riding around on Daddy's shoulders and checking out all the animals.

Mommy and Hailey looking at the giraffees.
What a fun birthday weekend!!

12 month stats~

Hailey is still a very happy baby! She has become more independent the last few weeks. She loves to follow mommy and daddy around the house.

Facts about Hailey:

Weight- 18 lbs 12.7 ounces (11th percentile)

Length- 27 inches (3rd percentile)

Head- 17 1/2 inches (22nd percentile)

*Sleeps from 7 pm to 6:30 am

*Has 4 teeth (2 top and 2 bottom)

*Eats 3 meals a days with 2 snacks.

*Drinks from a straw cup

*Takes 1 bottle at night

*Drinks whole milk and juice

*LOVES food! The last few days she has not wanted to be fed, she wants to eat EVERYTHING with her fingers.

*Spagetti and macaroni and cheese are two of her favorite dinners

*Pancakes and yogurt are her two favorite breakfast meals

*Likes goldfish, animal crackers and grapes for snack

*Had great fine motor skills

*Uses mommy and daddy correctly

*Bangs blocks together

*Pulls to stand, walks along furniture, walks if we hold her hands, walks with her push car down the hallway

*Started brushing her teeth

Thursday, October 21, 2010

12 month professional pictures

Kileigh Wirth took pictures of Hailey when we were in MN visiting. What great pictures!

Monday, September 27, 2010

Standing up!

For the past few weeks, Hailey has been pulling herself up to a standing position. She is such a brave girl, she will pull up on you, then turn around and let go!

Well, shortly after I put her to bed on Friday night she started screaming and crying (she does not typically do that) so I went into her room to find her doing this:
All those screams suddenly turned into a big grin!!
I quickly grabbed the camera, took several pictures and then promptly laid her back down. Of course, she did that several times that night before she fell asleep.

Messy Girl



Toy-box Fun!

Hailey always seems to want the toy that is in the VERY back of the toy-box, don't worry that does not stop her from getting it!!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

11 months~

Hailey is a very fun and active girl these days. It is so fun to just watch her and she tries to figure out how to "turn on" a toy or as she tries to figure out how something works. She is such a smart little girl.

Hailey's 11 month facts:

*Pulls up on everything! (including her crib!!)

*Loves all foods (I think she gets that from her dad!)

*Beginning to want our food versus baby food.

*Sleeps from 7:15pm until 6:30am

*Takes 2-3 bottles per day

*Started to take an interest in Red

*Crinkles her nose and smiles at you

*Loves to look at books and play with musical toys

*Waves "bye bye"

* Claps her hands together

*When she sees the camera, she instantly smiles!

*Has 1 top tooth, the other one is VERY close to popping through

*Happy, loving and great tempered little girl~

Monday, August 23, 2010

10 months~

It continues to get harder and harder to take her monthly pictures but at the same time, it's fun to see her so smiley and happy!
Some facts about Hailey:
*She now has two bottom teeth, she is working on the top two!
*Army crawls around the house- she is fast too!
*Hailey can sit up from the laying down position (Her newest trick is to sit up in her crib to try to stay awake, usually the tiredness wins and she ends up sleeping sitting up)
*Wears size 3 diapers
*Wears 9 month clothes but they are getting a little snug-- time for mommy to go shopping!!
*Eats 3 meals a day with lots of snacks!
*Drinks juice from a sippy cup!
*Takes 4 bottles a day
*Starting to eat some food mommy and daddy are eating but she LOVES the baby food and is content eating that for every meal
*Loves to pull all her toys out of her toy chest
*Says "dada", "baba", "gaga"
*Laughs, smiles and talks all day long!
*Does not have any stranger anxiety
*Sleeps from 7:00 until 6:30 (Wakes up some nights at 3:30am due to her teeth bothering her)
*Takes about an 1 to 1 1/2 nap in the morning and usually about a 1 hour nap in the afternoon
*Extremely happy, smiley girl

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

August Updates~

Mommy and Hailey reading a book!
Hailey loves to smile for the camera. As soon as I take it out of the case, she has a big smile on her face and she usually tries to grab for the camera. It can make for some interesting pictures.

Hailey has transitioned into a "Big Girl" carseat. It is still rear facing but she is no longer in the carrier. I think she likes it!!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

First words..

Hailey had just finished eating dinner last night. She was playing with some toys in her high chair and I was in the kitchen washing her bowl and spoon. All of a sudden I heard her say "dada"!!! I screamed and ran into the dining room and she did it again!! It brought tears to my eyes (and not because she didn't say mama first)--she is growing up!! Of course, daddy was not home yet but I called him at work and she continued to say it to him!! It made daddys long day at work a little bit better! When he got home, she did say it to him again- you should have seen the smile on his face---pure joy and love for his daughter!

Friday, July 23, 2010

9 months

It's getting harder and harder to take her monthly picture.. These days everything she can reach goes directly into her mouth.. She especially loves paper and water bottles!!
Drum roll please..... \
Hailey is officially off the preemie curve!!! She is now graduated into the fulll term baby curve!!
Weight: 16.2 lbs (7th percentile)
Length: 26 inches (5th percentile)
Head: 17 1/4 (18th percentile) ** plenty of room for her brain to grow!!
*She is wearing 6-9 month clothes
*Size 3 diapers
*Eats 2 jars of baby food a day and 3 bottles
*Now eats puffed rice, mum mum bars, and happy melts
*Loves fruit from her fresh food feeders!! She starts to shake when she sees it!!

*1 tooth has popped through and you can see a second one (still under the skin)
*Goes to bed around 7:30 and sleeps until 6:30 (recently she has been getting up around 5:00- I think her teeth are bothering her- she wants milk for comfort..)
*Takes a short morning nap (1 hour) and a longer afternoon nap (2 hours)
*Loves to play with anything musical or toys that have texture
*Starting to try to crawl, right now she just spins in a circle
*Rolls from back to tummy and tummy to back
*Smiles and laughs all the time!!

Sunday, July 4, 2010

July 4th Weekend~

We spent the July 4th weekend in Lansboro at Don and Denise Nelson's house. The weather was beauitful Saturday. We grilled out, rode the Rhino around the trails, had a campfire, and light off a few fireworks. The weather on Sunday was rainy and cool. We spent the day in the garage playing cards, bean bag toss and eating. Luckily it stopped raining for a short time in the evening so we got to finish lighting off the BIG fireworks!! They were amazing!! It was a fun weekend despite the rain!!

Logan Easthouse and Hailey. Logan loved helping take care of Hailey- he has 2 younger brother so he is very experienced with babies!! He was great at making her smile!!

Monday, June 28, 2010

A few photos from Minnesota!

Grandma Debbie and Hailey!
Molly and Hailey

Hailey and Landon Eckhoff playing!

Hailey experiencing MN grass for the first time. She was not to fond of it!!

Family photo