Hailey has now been home for 1 week! Life in our house has certainly changed. I find myself just staring at her while she sleeps! She is a great baby, eating every 3 hours and very content most of the time.
She had her eye appointment last Monday. Since she was a premie they check to make sure her eyes are developing properly (vessels attaching to the retina). They dialated her eyes first, then the used a spring contraption to hold her eye open, then they used this tool to poke around in her eye! They doctor did numb her eyes but she still cried! Needless to say I was not in the room during the exam- Jason stayed with her! The doctor said her eyes are developing correctly but not yet fully developed, which they expected. She has to get another exam in 2 weeks.
Then Tuesday she met her pediatricin for the first time. She weighed 4 lbs 12.5 oz and she was 17 1/2 inches long! The doctor said she looks great. We go back in 2 weeks for another check up.
It has been a busy week for us!