Monday, December 14, 2009

It's been awhile..

First of all, sorry it has been so long since I have made a post. Life has been great but crazy at our house! Each morning I think to myself that I need to update the blog, some how the day gets away from me and it does not get done.
Hailey has had many appointments the last few weeks so let me update you on that first! Hailey had another eye appointment last week and the doctor said her eyes are fully developed!! That means she is out of the woods for blindness and eye problems! We don't have to go back until she is 9 months old! YEAH! We also had her 2 month doctor visit (it's hard to believe she is almost 2 months old!). She weighs 6 lbs and is 18 1/4 inches long! She got three shots and an oral vaccine. Daddy held her while mommy cried! It's so hard to see and hear her cry like that! The doctor said she looked great and is happy with her weight gain!
She has more awake time each and every day! She eats about every 2 to 3 hours and takes
60-70 ml (about 2 oz).
Life is great!! Enjoy the pictures of our precious little girl!
Hailey enjoys some "tummy time"

Happy Holidays!!

One of my favorite pictures! Thanks Karen for capturing it!

Another favorite!

I think Hailey is trying to tell us to stop taking pictures of her. However, she is just so cute we cannot resist!

Nap time for Daddy and Hailey! Daddy follows the advice of many people: "Sleep when she sleeps." Mommy's list of things to get done is to long to nap!

Hailey seems to enjoy her bath. Her eyes are usually wide open for the whole thing!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, she is getting so big It is hard to believe that it has been 2 months. She is beautiful.
